High-tech analysis

of the riding position

Individual fittings

for every cyclist

Better performance

fewer injuries

Pressure matters!

in #nextlevelfitting

gebioMized Bikefitting

Aerodynamics and stability

in perfect sync


In every bike fitting, gebioMized strives for the best possible unity of rider and bike. Central in this regard is the individually perfect balance of performance, comfort and aerodynamics.

Using high-definition video technique and pressure measurement on all points of contact, we conduct all analyses under realistic conditions.


Since 2001 we at gebioMized have been working on the optimal riding position. Having been developed in cooperation with the University of Muenster, our dynamic bike fitting concept is now used in more than 25 countries throughout the world.

Next to the matching measurement technology, we provide courses on different levels and in different languages to the international bike fitting scene.

Worldtour Support

Federation Support


gebioMized concept-lab

At the gebioMized concept-labs in Münster, Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Nürnberg, Frankfurt und Munich we offer the whole range of gebioMized’s bike fitting products to the interested cyclist. Ranging from a professional saddle analysis to a fully-fledged bike fitting for cyclists, triathletes or mountain bikers of all skill levels. In doing so, we address the different problem areas of the athletes and seek individual solutions.


Fitters Feedback

Die Sattel- und Fußdruckmessung unterstützt mich sehr gut im Bikefittingprozeß. Ich sehe Veränderungen der Position, des Sattel und der Cleats sofort.

The visual and objective data that I have been getting from my GebioMized pressure mapping system has been as valuable or more than any tool I use in my bike fit. It is invaluable in finding a cyclists optimal position.

GebioMized technology provides us with a new perspective in terms of how an athlete is interacting with their equipment, facilitating refined adjustments in saddle and pad position, rider posture, shoe and cleat setup.

The pressure system is essential to bikefitting as it allows the client and the fitter both to see the client’s pressure profile.

GebioMized’s pressure systems have added enormous value and accuracy to our cycling analysis protocol. Pressure analysis gives the cycling analysis professional an objective look into the rider’s interface with his or her contact points.

If the position is not stable it really cannot work on the bike, and pressure on the saddle affect the whole posture and position of the rider.

GP Bike is an essential tool for saddle positioning, selection, and pedaling analysis.

De combinatie van videoanalyse, zadeldruk en voetdrukmetingen geeft mij veel mogelijkheden in het optimaliseren van de fietspositie voor zowel de race, mountain en tijdritfiets.

De systemen waarbij druk op het zadel of in de schoen real time gemeten worden geven een inzicht dat op geen enkele andere manier kan worden verkregen en de effecten van aanpassingen zijn direct zichtbaar.

The gebiomized pressure mapping systems are an invaluable tool in our bike fitting process. The ability to capture kinetic data provides us with meaningful information about how the cyclist interacts with the saddle and shoe/pedal contact points.