Bikefitting Pre-Fit

Application Possibilities

  • Structured and standardized introduction to the bike fitting process
  • Time saving thanks to target-oriented retrieval of relevant information from the athlete
  • Qualitative improvement due to professional advice
  • Quality control by means of standardization
  • Uniform documentation and simple operation


The first impression at the Bike Fit Institute is crucial in order to establish a basis of trust and to achieve good customer satisfaction. At the same time, important information and objectives of the customer that are relevant for the fitting have to be requested at the beginning of the fitting process. The “GP Pre-Fit” software offers a perfect solution for a structured and standardized start in this phase. This easy-to-use and professional query module allows for the collection of relevant, target-oriented and structured information from the customer and also guarantees a quality gain for the entire fitting process. In addition to a query of the athlete’s goals and problems and the recording of relevant body measurements, a mobility test is carried out with selected exercises that provide information about potantial imbalances and problem zones. Any abnormalities can thus be identified directly, be taken into account during fitting and immediately be made available to the athlete as a training recommendation.

Thus, “GP Pre-Fit” provides the foundation for a standardized and goal-oriented service that increases customer satisfaction and the degree of professionalization in bike fitting.


  • Time-saving thanks to standardization
  • Quality control and quality gain
  • Goal-oriented query and receipt of relevant information
  • Uniform data documentation
  • Direct exercise recommendations for the athlete
  • Achievement of a higher efficiency of the bike fitting
  • Automatic update of the program